I took a weekend trip to Lagos on the southern coast of Portugal last weekend and it was one my favorite weekends to date!
I went with Discover Excursions again so all I had to do was show up and enjoy the ride.
We left Granada at 6am and took a bus to Sevilla to pick up more students (there I met up with Chi who I met while in Morocco) and then another 3 hours to Lagos. We checked into our hotel which was nearly on the water and then went down to the beach right away. The beach was absolutely stunning. It was in its own little cove surrounded by beautiful high cliffs and had clearly, bright water. We just had a little time to lay out because then we had to go meet up with the group for our sangria cruise! The boat ride was SO much fun. We drove along the coast and got to see all the beautiful cliffs while enjoying free, unlimited sangria! When we stopped the boat people started jumping in the water. It took a lot of convincing but I eventually got in when Oscar, one of the guides I met in Morocco, agreed to jump in with me. The water was freezing but felt good after a few minutes. Then we got to go in a little dingy boat and a local guide took us through the caves. Again, absolutely stunning! I could have spent the whole day just exploring the rocks. After the cruise, I went out to dinner with Chi and Oscar and then everyone went out to a club which I didn't stay long because we were exhausted from our first great day.

Chi, Oscar and I |
Before we headed off to the beach on our first and only full day in Lagos, we went to go look at some beautiful cliffs in the area. Sam and I ran away from the group and hiked to this beautiful look out that was straight out of a travel brochure. Yellow cliffs, bright blue water, local boats, so beautiful! I never wanted to leave!
After that we went to a beach on the other side of town with the whole group of Discover Excursions (like 230 people). The beach was huge so it wasn't too crowded but it was less spectacular then the small on by our hotel and it was windy, sand was everywhere! There was also free sangria which made up for it a bit. It was a nice day just relaxing in the sun. We buried Chi and Oscar used his awesome artistic skills to make him into a bodybuilder. Javi, another guide and good friend of Oscar, also helped and he just hilarious.
My boat! |
Oscar and Javi buried Chi! |
We left the beach and after showers we went to "The End of the World". After a 40 min bus ride to the western coast of Portugal we got to Cape St. Vincent. Read this from Wikipedia:
St. Vincent was already sacred ground in Neolithic times, as standing
menhirs in the neighborhood attest. The ancient Greeks called it
Ophiussa (Land of Serpents), inhabited by the Oestriminis and dedicated
here a temple to Heracles. The Romans called it Promontorium Sacrum (or
Holy Promontory). They considered it a magical place where the sunset
was much larger than anywhere else. They believed the sun sank here
hissing into the ocean, marking the edge of their world.
This place was unbelievable. The cliffs were the biggest cliffs I've ever seen and with the sun setting it was breathtaking. It was also the windiest place I've ever been! The wind could have blown you over if you weren't careful! Which also made it really, really cold but we huddled together for warmth. It was really amazing being at this place that thousands of years ago people believed was truly the end of the world. The whole time my favorite travel quote was ringing through my head "Home is now behind you, the world is ahead".

After we got back to Lagos we went to dinner; this time at Nah Nah Bah, one the of the world's best burger joints! I got a grilled chicken sandwich which was SO good. Then we went out to Joe's Garage for the night's fiesta and it got real crazy, real fast. It as fun, lots of people dancing on the bar and a lot of good music. But then it started getting a little too crazy for me. The last thing I saw before I left was a girl with blood running down her foot because she got cut by broken glass. So we all went back to the hotel and hung out in one of our rooms for a while. I don't think I got to sleep until like 5am. But that's Spain, uurr um, Portugal for ya!
I got "Big Bob's Cock Meat Sandwich |
Party at Joe's Garage. Oscar was giving everyone highlighter tattoos |
On our last day we got to go back to our pretty little beach by the hotel. We spent the morning there relaxing, dipping our feet in and skipping rocks. Then we went back to the hotel for a bit to clean up and it was off to the buses for our 7ish hour trip back to Granada. I had to say goodbye to Chi and Oscar in Sevilla which was just a tiny bit of a preview of what is in store for me at the end of May. I can't bare to think of all the goodbyes!